Sunday, September 24, 2006

Let's have another round

I used to run into the problem of explaining my mediocre undergrad GPA to job interviewers. I usually had to explain it away with some euphemism like "I was really social." After many years of work and a better grad school GPA it is seemingly irrelevent, but maybe I should put it in bold. It seems there is a correlation (for males) between getting tanked in college and career success (as measured by salary.) Perhaps bar owners like NBK should apply for the educator's discount at Borders.


Brack said...

Some of my most effective arguments in court have been the ones that incorporate the universal truths of Threeman.

Trials would be much more streamlined (and entertaining) if all participants would quaff a few Irish Car Bombs or Panty Droppers just before opening statements.

Anonymous said...

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury. . . . why do I have WOUNDS on my face?!"

Brack said...

^ I won that case.

Tripp said...

I wish the research would identify the cognitive merits of each game. No doubt the benefits of quarters are limited, while I imagine mastering the complexities of Tegwar would be closely tied to success.