Sunday, April 12, 2009

Getting geeky with it

Man that BSG is good. I rapidly burned through Season 4 the first half on DVD only to find that no longer has the second half on-line. So I suppose I have to wait. This show has had some serious ups and downs, but this season is really quite something. The end of the season was completely awesome in a classic sci-fi way. Avoiding spoilers for the second half is going to be quite difficult.

Per a friend's recommendation, I picked up the Walking Dead again. This is a grim as hell graphic novel about life after the rise of zombies in the US. I had the rest the first book and it felt fairly pedestrian. It showed a group of people banding together, then meeting other people and falling into conflicts as they tried to survive constant zombie attacks. Fairly common zombie fare. The later books bring on the dreadful notion of trying to survive long-term in such a situation. The mental and physical strain becomes worse for all involved and the carnage and cruelty levels get upped with each issue.

The book's art is black and white which has its pros and cons. On the up side, the violence would become a bit much in full color. On the downside, most of the characters devolve into scraggly looking younger guys and scraggily looking older guys. It can hard to tell them apart.


christina said...

OK. So I'm lost with BSG?!

But I've added Walking Dead to my list - (1) I heart zombies, who doesn't? and (2) I've only just begun reading GN and found that I'm more of a fan than what I would anticipate.

Tripp said...

If you like graphic novels and zombies (and I hope you have read the non-graphic novel World War Z on that count) you will most likely dig Walking Dead. It gets unbelievably bleak as it goes on. Crazy really.

There is so much goodness in the graphic novel world, although I think it can be hard to find.