Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Some excitement

Tom Holland's popular history Rubicon remains one of my favorite history books. It tells the story of the last decades of the Roman Republic in an informative, but entertaining way that had me fixated for days. I thought that his next book, Persian Fire, was less successful, but still quite good. So I am still quite thrilled to see he has another on the way. He has moved closer to the modern era with another broad topic, the Rise of the West. The book is called The Forge of Christendom. This one will be going to the top of the pile.

While not as personally exciting as a new Tom Holland, I am happy to see that Arthur Phillips has a new book out. I loved the Egyptologist and I hope this new one matches that one. For a sense of his style, read this guest post at the Amazon blog Omnivoracious.

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