Thursday, April 02, 2009


I was all excited for Jeffrey Ford's the Shadow Year, but I am giving up on it. Set somewhere in late 60s, early 70s Long Island, it is a coming of age tale with elements of the supernatural. There are some really great scenes in the book including a crazy Halloween night, where the kids hunt one another with eggs and the dreaded Nair Bomb and odd grotesques as the protagonist comes to see the fallibility and weakness of those around them. All the while, a prowler and a figure in white haunt the children of town. That said it didn't seem to be going anywhere so I am moving on to something else.

While reading the book, I thought it would be nifty to listen to the Killing Moon for its sense of dread (I can thank Donnie Darko for planting that in my head.) This lead to the thought that a nice use of the Kindle would be an addition of an author selected soundtrack for a book. It could be chapter driven or just play along as background. It would need a number of features, but it would also make Kindle books more attractive and unique.

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