Booksprice is book (and other entertainment media) search tool and price aggregator. You search for a book and it will list availability and prices. The website selection is deep, with the obvious big names (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell), but also smaller specialty sites, like ecampus. That will make cash strapped students happy, as they can evade insane college bookstore prices.
For my needs, the most interesting sites are the Amazon marketplace, Ebay, Alibris and the foreign Amazons. With these sites included you should be much more able to get your hands on a hard to find book. I searched for the hard to find Rules of the Game: Jutland and the British Naval Command and I found quite a few reasonable prices. As many of the sites are overseas, there is shipping to consider, but the overall price is still reasonable.
It has some other useful features as well. If you just want to look at a few sites when you search , you can exclude those you don't want to see. Once you find some books you can like, you can set up an RSS feed for the book, to allow you to easily check up on the prices. This would be helpful with new books that you suspect will hit remainder pricing in the coming weeks or months.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Posted by
9:45 AM
Labels: Book sites
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