Monday, September 10, 2007

The unceasing tide of books

For my weekend visit, I had four tasks. Number one was to attend my friend's wedding. Number two was hang out with some other friends. Number three was to eat a Five Guys burger. And number four was to hit the Arlington Goodwill book rack. Why that place? With flat prices of $.170 or less and donations from the most educated citizens in the USA, it is hard to go wrong. For less than the price of a six pack of Lagunitas, I walked away with the following.

Book Lust by Nancy Pearl. How can I write a book recommendations blog without stealing other people's recommendations?

The General's War by Trainor and Gordon. The team that brought you Cobra II tells you what's what about Gulf War the First.

Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Dana. Dana was a sort of 19th century Ted Conover. He was an educated man but signed up for the rough world of the sailor and then wrote a book about it.

Utopia by Lincoln Child. He writes a fine thriller.

The Great Fire by Shirley Hazzard. It won an award and her a good thing or two.

The Gates of Africa by Anthony Sattin. I'd never seen hide nor hair of this one before, but it reminded me of Barrow's Boys so I took the chance.

Whoreson by Donald Goines. I've always wanted to read Goines, and who can resist a title like that one?

Maybe I will read one or two of them this year.

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