Wednesday, September 26, 2007

NYT loves Portland

I don't know if you have noticed, but the New York Times loves Portland, take a look at this article on the PDX dining scene. Long time Portlanders may grumble that they are portrayed as yokels who eyes were opened by outside wisdom, but aside from the that, it should please people.


Anonymous said...

The comment about Portlanders not knowing what a croissant or tart was until six years ago? Ugh.

Otherwise, glad it gave props to some great local restaurants.

Tripp said...

yeah that one in particular was pretty ridiculous. Glad to see the overall PDX=awesome vibe though.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, nice enough with the noted exceptions and the one about hardly being cutting edge 15 years ago. When in fact this may just be one more sign of our demise, one more step toward "world class" status for Portland, sponsored by developers and your run of the mill capitalist. A sign of the times. Or maybe a sign of the inevitable gap-widening between the haves and have nots? What happened to the vision of truly "having." My brother on the east coast emailed the article to me initially. He was just here for vacation and impressed well enough. But also noted that comparable housing is just as expensive as his suburban D.C. digs.

Tripp said...


I think you are right to be wary about Portland getting to large and standardized like so many other cities. I also think the city does a decent job of balancing livability with growth.

In a mobile society like ours any attractive place will become less attractive as it gets over-crowded. This has certainly happened in San Francisco, where the cost of living is nonsensical. The challenge is managing it.
