Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Missile Gap

I just read Charles Stross's brief Missile Gap. It is difficult to describe the story without revealing much, but suffice it to say that the story involves the earth being pulled out of its existence in an alternate Cuban missile crisis and lain flat on a giant disc in the Magellanic Clouds. That should make it clear that this is not cross-over science fiction, but is one for the geeks.

If you are sufficiently geeky, you will most likely enjoy it. It has many of the elements of the wackier science fiction tales and has a number of fun cameos including Carl Sagan(!) and Gregor Samsa(!!) and maybe some visitors from other Stross books, although that is hard to say.

You can read the story electronically here for free. Hats off to Multnomah Public Library for picking up this rather pricey volume.

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